Rental Terms and Agreement
Operator (Rider):
The operator must be licensed in his home country and have a valid licence in good standing. In addition, each operator must have a valid passport. Only operators signing the rental agreement are insured and allowed to operate the motorcycle. It is understood that the operator will understand and abide by the rules, regulations and laws of the European countries he/she is operating in.
In Case of Accident:
The Rental contract is over without any money refunded back. We will try to give you another bike for the remainder of your trip if there is one available at the time.
Reservation and Deposit:
Booking must be by mail or email and received by Knopftours before the motorcycle is guaranteed for you. If sending funds by mail, please confirm by faxing a copy of the mailed check once it is sent. Once the Agreement and deposit is received, then a confirmation will by mailed or emailed. Final payments must be made in either cash or traveller’s check. No credit card payments will be accepted. Deposit per bike is $300.00 in Personal check, Traveler’s check, or cash.
Please inform Knopftours by letter or fax if you are wishing to cancel your rental. If this cancellation is made 30 days prior to rental, there is a fee of the deposit. If the cancellation is made less than 30 days prior to rental, then no refund can be made. Cancellations are not recorded or accepted until the written request is received.
Insurance must by purchased through Knopftours for the fees recorded, which will include the mandatory European third party insurance, known as the “Green Card”. This coverage applies to the motorcycle only and no other insurance coverages are included or implied. If you are in need of additional coverage (i.e. trip interruption or cancellation, personal accident, health, medical, hospitalization, disability, life, personal property and baggage, or items related to your passenger) it is suggested that you obtain these in advance as these are not included with the rental.
Motorcycle Use:
Motorcycle use is authorized in all countries of Europe. Use is not allowed in North Africa. If you wish to drive in to Eastern Europe countries, the deductible per Bike is $2000.00. For your convenience, we will fill the tank with gas and charge you only what the gas costs. When you return the bike, the gas tank can be empty. During motorcycle use, the operator has to check oil and water level. Flat tire punctures are the responsibility of the customer to repair. Each calendar day will be considered a rental day.
Each rider and/or passenger acknowledges the extent of coverage of this contract. Knopftours, or any of its employees, is not responsible or liable for any accidents and /or bodily injury or death resulting from the use of a rental and the customer will indemnify all such claims against Knopftours.
Rental Rates:
The rates are guaranteed in U.S. Dollars once the reservation deposit is received. All fees will be due and payable in traveller’s checks or cash at the time the rental period begins.
In case of motorcycle mechanical problem (on our end):
Should circumstances occur such that there is a mechanical malfunction that renders your rental bike inoperable, we will endeavour to replace your bike as soon as possible, and we will refund you the pro-rated daily rental fee for each day you are without a bike.
Driver Responsibility:
Because of the unique traffic regulations in Europe, traffic infractions are not always instantly known by the driver. It is understood that the driver will operate within the rules, laws, and regulations of the European country that he/she is driving in. In the event the operator receives a violation on the motorcycle (moving, parking, etc.) he/she will be responsible for these. If these are immediately known, then the driver must pay the fine and notify Knopfours upon return of the bike and provide written proof of payment. There are some instances that a driver does not realize that a violation has occurred, usually from the common use of instant-on, photo radar, in which case, the ticket doesn’t arrive at our office anywhere up to 9 months later. Payment will be expected from the rider upon receipt of the fine via mail. In case of an accident, we will keep the deposit until the accident is cleared.
These terms and conditions are formal policies of Knopftours. If there are items in question, which are not covered above, please inquire.